top 25 angular interview question and answer 2

Top 25 Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Angular, a ” TypeScript-based open-source web application framework,” has been around since 2016 and it is one of the most current web development frameworks around the globe.

Angular can be a demanding innovation, provoking an earnings scope of anything from $60/hour for an independent developer to $70,000/year for a Front End Developer in a company. Since this affirmation is a necessity for an enormous level of web developer postings, you can accept that there will never be a lack of qualified candidates.

In almost every interview, you should struggle with fierce competition, to accomplish high and land your fantasy job. Subsequently, you should prepare yourself well in advance. To help you, we’ve sketched out 25 frequently asked Angular interview questions and answers, the kind of answers your interviewer is likely searching for.

Most Frequently Asked Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Given below is a list of the top interview questions and replies on Angular to assist anyone with clearing the interview effectively.

Let’s Explore!!

1. What do you understand by Angular?

Angular is a Typescript-based open-source JavaScript framework intended for making dynamic single web page applications with fewer lines of code.

2. What is the Angular framework?

Angular is a typescript and an open-source web application that is kept up by Google and a network of people. It gives a platform to create web-based applications. Angular incorporates a scope of highlights like dependency injection, declarative templates, end to end tooling, and different highlights that helps to smoothen the improvement path.

3. What are the advantages of using Angular?

A couple of the major advantages of using the Angular framework are listed below:

  • It supports two-way data-binding
  • It follows MVC design architecture
  • It supports static layout and Angular format
  • You can add a custom directive
  • It additionally supports RESTful administrations
  • Approvals are supported

4. What are Angular expressions?

Angular expressions are code scraps that are typically positioned in binding, for example, like JavaScript. These expressions are used to bind application data to HTML

5. What is the contrast between scope and $scope?

In Angular,$scope is utilized for executing the concept of dependency injection (D.I); then again, the Scope is utilized for the directive linking.

$scope is given by $scopeProvider, which can be injected into controllers, directives, or other services, while Scope can be anything, for example, a function parameter name, etc.

6. List out the difference between AngularJS and Angular?

AngularJS Angular
MVC architecture. Service/Controller.
It utilizes JavaScript to build the application. It utilizes TypeScript to assemble the application.
It is absolutely based on the “controller” or “scope” concept. It depends on hierarchy components…
It is not a mobile-friendly framework. It is a mobile-friendly framework.
It is hard to make SEO-friendly application development. It is anything but difficult to make SEO-friendly application development.

7. What are the Angular Modules?

The angular modules, on the whole, define an angular application where we can compose the angular code. Modules contain the various parts of an angular application.

8. What are directives?

Directives are novel markers on a DOM element that advise the HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to the DOM element. Directives start with ng-prefix. A portion of the inherent directives incorporates ngClass, ngApp, ngRepeat, ngModel, ngBind, and ngInit.

9. What are templates in Angular?

Templates in Angular are composed of HTML that contains Angular-explicit elements and qualities. These formats are joined with data coming from the model and controller which are additionally delivered to give the dynamic view to the user.

10. In what ways would you be able to use a directive?

You can utilize a directive as an attribute, element, or class name. To characterize the manner in which your directive will be used, you have to set the limit alternative in the directive declaration. The confine alternative can be set to:

‘A’ – Only matches attribute name ‘C’ – Only matches class name ‘E’ – Only matches element name You can combine these limitations to deliver the required outcomes.

11. What is the scope in Angular?

Scope in Angular is an object that refers to the application model. It is an execution setting for expressions. Scopes are masterminded in various leveled structure that copies the DOM structure of the application. The scope can watch expressions and spread events.

12. List some tools for testing Angular applications?

-Karma -Angular Mocks -Mocha -Browserify -Sion

13. Clarify what the link function is and how it differs from compile.

-The link function joins the directives with scope to create a live view. -The link function is answerable for example DOM manipulation and for enlisting DOM listeners. -The compile function is responsible for format DOM control just as the collection of all the directives.

14. What is a Single Page Application (SPA)?

SPA is the concept whereby pages are loaded from the server not by doing postbacks, rather than by creating a single shell page or master page and stacking the webpages into the expert page.

15. What are the building blocks of Angular?

The primary building blocks of Angular are modules, components, layouts, metadata, data binding, directives, services, and dependency injection.

16. What is Transpiling in Angular?

Transpiling in Angular refers to the process of change of the source code starting with one programming language then onto the next. In Angular, for the most part, this change is done from TypeScript to JavaScript. It is a certain process and happens internally.

17. How can digest cycle time be decreased?

Digest cycle time can be diminished by decreasing the number of watchers. To do this, you can:

  • Use web worker
  • Work in batches
  • Cache DOM
  • Eliminate unnecessary watchers
  • Use one-time Angular binding

18. What is the process called by which TypeScript code is changed over into JavaScript code?

It is called Transpiling. Despite the fact that TypeScript is used for composing code in Angular applications, it gets inside transpired into comparable JavaScript.

19. How to perform animation in Angular?

To perform animation in an Angular application, you have to incorporate a unique Angular library known as Animate Library and afterward refer to the ngAnimate module into your application or add the ngAnimate as a dependency inside your application module.

20. What is Angular Material?

It is a UI segment library. Angular Material helps in making appealing, predictable, and completely functional website pages just like web applications. It does as such while following modern website design standards, including browser probability and agile degradation.

21. What is Event Handling?

Event handling within AngularJs is helpful when you need to make advanced AngularJs applications.

We have to handle DOM events like mouse clicks, moves, keyboard presses, change events, etc. AngularJs has some listener directives like ng-click, ng-Dbl-click, ng-mousedown, ng-key down, ng-keyup, and so on

22. Is Angular appropriate with all browsers?

Yes, it is friendly with all browsers like Safari, Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, IE, and so on just as mobile browsers.

23. What do you understand about controllers in Angular?

Controllers are JavaScript capacities which give information and logic to HTML UI. As the name recommends, they control how information streams from the server to HTML UI.

24. What Are the Special Transition States?

Special transition states are wildcard (*) and void. wildcard coordinates any animation state. The void state is utilized to configure advances for elements entering or leaving a page.

25. What is AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) Compilation?

Each Angular application gets compiled inside. The Angular compiler takes in the JS code, gathers it, and afterward delivers some JS code. This happens just once per event per user. It is known as AOT (Ahead-Of-Time) compilation.


We tried to cover all the significant questions and hope that this article has helped you to comprehend the Angular interview questions and answers from basics to advanced level. This arrangement of the interview questions on AngularJS will empower you to crack any AngularJS meet effectively at a fresher just as experience level

In the event that you feel that you have knowledge of some concepts and an expert front-end web development with Angular, consider taking an Angular Certification training in coimbatore. It’s reasonable and will put you on the correct way toward your career as an effective web developer.