Technical Webinar on Digital Marketing and its scope of Employment blog

Digital Marketing Webinar And Its Scope of Employment

DIGITAL MARKETING WEBINAR AND ITS SCOPE OF EMPLOYMENT Joining hands with the developing young talents amidst this covid is truly a blessed opportunity for our NSCHOOL Academy to support students in their technical learning. We endure this great opportunity from Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore to preach the importance of Digital Marketing to the 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering students. Initially, NSCHOOL Academy received a webinar invite from the Sri Shakthi college to present a guest lecture on Digital Marketing and its scope of Employment to the 3rd Year Computer Science and Engineering students. Gladly accepting their invite, Thaarani (Digital Marketing Executive) and Rajasekar (Senior technical Lead) presented the Digital Marketing Webinar in Sri Shakthi’s academic classroom. As Digital Marketing specialists and professionals, we overall created unique strategies to seed Digital Marketing’s importance to future engineers, as the term “ Digital Marketing” was completely new to them. After meeting the enthusiastic young talents of Sri Shakthi, To our surprise, we came to know a few of them were already technical bloggers!. Yes, They had technical knowledge in Blogging. This made our presenting tactics much simpler and easier to carry forward. So, we explained the core concepts clearly with realistic examples. And our topics included, Importance of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Social Media Marketing (SMM) Keyword Research Pay-per-click(PPC) Marketing Automation and Digital Marketing benefits Explaining the above concepts was our ultimate goal. Engineering Students felt extremely thoughtful after hearing Google’s background working process along with Google’s Ranking Algorithm in the SEO section. Hence, we got more queries from students after this SEO section. The session went even more communicative after the 10th minute of presentation. Students started realizing the Keyword working process in the Google search engine. We also explained the uniqueness of keywords along with their importance by citing the Google Ads process. After this session, they got a clear and cut idea of optimizing web pages too. Moving ahead to educate about Content Writing and Pay-Per-Click advertisements , they finally realized Digital Marketing has its dominance in communication skills. At this point, we made them understand how writing turns into magic by inviting more website traffic. It’s an evident fact that soaring communication and creative skill invites young talents to this domain in the IT industry. Students earned a deep understanding of this thought by our session ending and hence acquired a notable idea in Digital Marketing Employment. As Digital Marketing working professionals, we felt extremely delighted in preaching modernized marketing tactics through this digital marketing seminar to senior-level engineering students where Digital Marketing events are completely out of the syllabus to them. Quenching the marketing thirst in today’s advertising and marketing world, the Digital Marketing domain invites millions of graduates and freshers to serve as Digital Marketing executives and SEO Analysts. Attending these kinds of events in digital marketing workshops also enhances their technical knowledge and makes them familiarize themselves with Marketing Automation as well. FINAL THOUGHTS FROM NSCHOOL ACADEMY: Never stop learning. For when we stop learning, we stop growing. NSCHOOL Academy truly believes learning is an ongoing and never-ending process despite this pandemic. We step into our next succeeding preaching process with the utmost satisfaction of cultivating something new to young talents that will grow huge and strong in the future. We also have presented hundreds of technical webinars in colleges in Coimbatore and neighbouring districts and are now awaiting to present a lot more through both online/offline modes. Reach us at for booking more technical webinars and appointments for technical workshops and our experienced IT industry specialists are ready to communicate and implant strong technical aspirations to your college learners.