Get Hands-on knowledge with Real-Time projects from our dedicated Web Designing course in Coimbatore
Power your career with great UI/Web Designing learning and specialize on HTML4, HTML5, CSS2, CSS3, Javascript, Jquery, XML Parsing, and API web services

Regular training program

Nschool academy offers the best web designing course in Coimbatore. Our program covers everything you need to know about UI Design, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, and J query. We also provide training in PHP development for the web, giving you the skills you need to create functional and visually appealing websites. Plus, our course includes training in MYSQL database, essential for e-commerce. Join us at NSCHOOL Academy and get ready for a successful career in web design with our 100% placement guarantee in Coimbatore. Students will learn how to connect to databases, create database-driven HTML forms and reports, and implement e-commerce skills such as user authentication and shopping cart implementation. The course also covers configuring PHP and the Apache Web Server. Throughout the program, students will gain hands-on experience by working on real-time projects to reinforce their learning and develop real competency. Our ultimate goal is to help students secure placements in software companies and obtain certification in web design upon completion of the course. Join our best web design training institute in Coimbatore and kickstart your career in web design today!


Train from professionals with industry experience.
Learn theoretical concepts and gain hands-on training simultaneously.
Real time Hands-On Practical Experience Training to imbibe corporate practices.
Get certified at the end of the training.
Receive placement support once the training is completed.
Getting exposure to latest technology up gradations.
Advanced lab facility and most updated syllabus and materials will be provided with learning tools for easy learning.
Book Your Demo Class Today!

Course Syllabus
UI/Web Designing has been gaining popularity for quite some time and is currently in high-demand. Web Designing is an attractive profile and an exciting career path for both freshers and experienced individuals
What is web development or website ?
Modern Technologies and the evolution of PHP
Web application architecture
What is WWW ?
What is HTTP ?
What is URL ?
What is W3C ?
What is DNS ?
Basic knowledge of Web designing & Layouts, Color Schemes, Fonts, Responsive designs
What is HTML & CSS?
What are web pages ?
Absolute vs. Relative URL
Static Vs Dynamic Websites
Client side Vs Server side Scripting
How web works ?
Databases Basics

Structure, syntax, do types & extension of HTML document
Tags, Attributes and Elements
Layouts, Block level and inline elements
Manipulating Text & Images, Linking Pages, comments
Page Titles, Meta Tags, Paragraphs, Headings
Tables, DIV, SPAN
HTML Forms and Input, Lists, field sets
Borders & Alignment
HTML iframes, scrollbars
Colors, color names, values
HTML Symbol Entities, validations
HTML5 intro
HTML5 new elements
HTML5 form elements, types, attributes
How does CSS work?
Types and syntax of CSS
Identification and grouping of elements (class and id)
Cascading Properties, selectors, Table Properties
Colors, Hexadecimal Colors and backgrounds
Links, Fonts, Images and Text
Margins, Paddings, Borders
The box model
CSS Navigation Bars
Layering Styles with Multiple Classes
Common CSS Property Values
Pixels, Lengths, Floating elements (floats), Positioning of elements
CSS Media Types
Image Sprites
Rounded Corners, Gradients, nested selectors
Web-standards and validation
Examples of template building
Data types, Variables, Expressions in JavaScript, Popup Boxes, Operators
Conditional Statements, Loop Statements, Comments
Javascript Events, Clientside validation, Basics of DOM
Javascript functions, objects
Exception Handling, Debugging
Arrays, Strings, Date, Number, Regular expressions
DOM Methods, Events
Jquery basics and syntax
Jquery Events
Jquery Effects
Jquery DOM, Selectors, Attributes ā BASICS
Get started
Layout with bootstrap
Basic Components
Bootstrap components
Angular JS vs Latest Angular
What is Angular ?
Angular Vs Angular2 vs Angular 4 vs Angular 5
Web Components
JavaScript and its Issues
What is TypeScript
TypeScript vs JavaScript vs ES6
Benefits of TypeScript
Typing System
Type Script Types
Arrays Types
Object Oriented Programming
Classes and Class Constructors
Properties, Methods, Getters and Setters
Generics and Decorators
Angular Installation
Angular CLI
Serving and Building the Application
Project Structure
Angular Modules
Root and Featured Modules
Imports, Declarations, Providers and Dependencies
What are Components
App Component
Component Syntax
Selectors, Templates and Styles
Nested Components
Component Life Cycle
Initialization Hooks
Destroy Hooks
Angular Data Bindings
Property & Event Bindings
Two Way Data Binding
Template Variables
Component Communications
Input and Output
Content Projection
Events and Event Emitters
Listening to Event Emitters
Angular Directives
Attribute Directives
Build In Attribute Directives
Structural Directives
What are Pipes
Build In Angular Pipes
Currency Pipe
Number Pipe
Percent Pipe
Lower and Upper Case Pipes
Date Pipe
Custom Pipes
What are Services in Angular
Injectable Services
Dependency Injection
Export and Import Services
Shared Services
Providing Services
Ā Forms Module
Ā Template Driven Forms
Ā NgForm
Ā NgModel
Ā Built-In Structural Directives
Ā NgIf and NgFor Directives
Ā Custom Directives
What are Routes
How to Configure Routes
Router Outlet
Router Navigation
Route Parameters
Routes for Root and Child
Query Parameters
Activated Routes
Module Introduction
How Authentication works in SPAs
Introduction to JWT
Creating a Signup Page and Route
Setting up Firebase SDK
Signing users up
Signing users in
Token introduction
Sending a token
Route protection and redirection
HTTP & HTTPs Module
Reactive Programming
Observables & Subscriptions
Error Handling
Working with FireBase
Accessing from MongoDB
UI / Web Designing Course Fees in Coimbatore

1-to-1 mode class training
You will have a clear & strong understanding on Basic concepts
Core Practical Training is imbibed to students here with expertise support.
batch starts from
1st week of the month
3rd week of the month

1-to-1 mode class training
Latest & Advanced Technology concepts are clarified here.
Latest Framework is incorporated in Practical Training with Placement Assurance.
Project guidance support.
batch starts from
1st week of the month
3rd week of the month
Our Web Designing Training Methodology in Coimbatore
Check out our innovative key features in training methodologies. Our flexible training mechanisms incorporate all techniques right from knowledge assessment till setting placement records.

Ā Gain knowledge from experienced professionals in the field.
Ā Learn both theoretical concepts and gain practical experience at the same time.
Ā Training that provides real-world, hands-on experience in order to teach proper workplace practices.
Ā Grab certification upon completion of training
Ā Receive placement assistance following completion of training
Ā Being exposed to the most recent technological advancements.
Ā Learning tools will be provided along with the most up-to-date lab facilities, curriculum, and course materials
Ā You will be able to connect with the trainers at any time.
UI / Web Designing Certification Course in Coimbatore
Nschool Certificate Holders work at companies like :
Owning an IT Certification will certainly give you an advantage to enrich your self-image and reputation among peers. The credits of being certified are,

Job Outlook

Latest technologies
Latest technologies
Latest technologies
Learning the latest technologies in UI/Web Design enables you to have a direct impact on your career.

Future Scope of an UI/Web Design
Future Scope of an UI/Web Design
Future Scope of an UI/Web Design
The future of UI/Web Design development is attractive. It looks promising because of the steady growth in-demand of these professionals.

Industry Growth
Industry Growth
Industry Growth
25% Annual Growth for UI/Web Design jobs by 2024. You could also develop an application by yourself with a UI/Web Design course.
Job Titles include
- UI Web Designer
- UI Developer
- Front end Developer
Proud to be Recognized
Our service for more than a decade & our IT Trainees feedback urge us to run more.
Here we are presenting exclusive NSCHOOL Academy Reviews which are given by our students who got benefited from our course training.
Related Courses
Learn new skills, pursue your interests or advance your career with our distinctive course catalogues. Our updated syllabus on the below courses cover all Industry standards as per requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
Sure. You can schedule your own class timings and our trainers will also be flexible to handle classes during any day and time
As mentioned above you will be taught the course from the basics. The only qualifications you will need is your interest and complete willingness to learn the course sincerely
It requires basic understanding of HTML,CSS, and JavaScript
NSCHOOL Academy offers you the most updated, relevant and high value real-time projects as part of the training program
We provide 100% placement assistance and our placement record is 100% too. We are very proud of the fact that all our students are well-placed in top-level companies
You will be prepared yourself with the foundational knowledge for a career of continuous learning